5 Mobile Apps to Make Life Easier and a Little More Organized

Nearly everybody is carrying a smartphone these days so why not make the most of the apps available and let them help you to organize your life? From work to your home life, there is an app (usually free!) to help you with everything and these are just a few of our favorites.

Post-it Plus

We’ve all used Post-it notes in work and we know how useful they can be. In meetings and brainstorming sessions we often produce boards filled with these little sticky notes then we leave the meeting and have to leave them behind. This app will capture an image of the notes and allow you to keep working on your ideas. You can rearrange the notes on the app and refine them as needed. The app allows you then to send this on to other people so your colleagues can see the work you have done. You can even upload this to other apps such as PowerPoint or Excel.


If you need a helping hand to get organized then Any.do is the app you need. You can put in work tasks, home tasks and personal notes and it will help you to keep them all in order so that you can have a much more productive day.


This is an app that anyone can use. When you need to keep notes, ideas and research all in one place, Evernote will allow you to gather your handwritten notes, copies of web articles and photos so that they are all in one place. You can search the app to find previous notes very quickly. This is a great app for students.

Keeper Password Manager & Digital Vault

This a free app that can help to guard all your passwords from every site you use. It may sound a little strange – storing all your passwords in the one place – but this is very different from just writing them down. The vault is password protected, so you only need to remember one password in order to access all the others and they are protected from other people. This is a great app for those who have login details for a range of social media sites, shopping sites and even work sites.


The Monefy app is designed to help you to keep track of your finances.  When people say you should write down everything you spend to monitor outgoings it can be difficult to do, but with the app on your smartphone you literally enter the amount and hit ‘add’.  The app does the rest of the work for you. The app can be added to different devices and then synced so that no matter where you enter the data it will collate it for you. Access data by category and spot instantly where you can make savings.

Apps are easily added to a smartphone and most are extremely easy to use. Try one or two of these and see just how much difference they could make to your life.