Let’s talk About Embroidery Alphabets (part 3 of 4)

Stock embroidery lettering is a powerful tool and when applied properly it can save you a great deal of time. The short video presentation attached to this blog is meant to serve as an example of how quickly lettering can be created and then applied to an existing design.

It should be noted that all commercial grade embroidery digitizing software has a lettering module built in to the software. The software tools used to create lettering are of course unique to each application but the principals used to create lettering are surprisingly similar across most platforms. Once you get the idea for how to create quality lettering it is pretty simple to switch back and forth between programs and create lettering in many of today’s most popular digitizing tools.

Probably the most important thing to remember when creating embroidery lettering is you will need to change the properties (density, pull comp, stitch lengths and sizing) in your designs as you move between fabric substrates. There are no set rules for what to do when and as soon as you think you have it figured out you will be presented with a new fabric, on a new product embroidering on a machine you have no experience with. Once that happens…all bets are off!

The next blog post will get a little more technical again as we dissect the different properties you will need to understand in order to achieve success with embroidery lettering.

As usual, if you have any questions or would like additional information about anything here or our products and services feel free to email me at steve.freeman@qdigitizing.com .